Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Twitter, Facebook, and social activism : The New Yorker

Twitter, Facebook, and social activism : The New Yorker:

Malcolm Gladwell has gotten his toes wet with twitter and is convinced it is more puddle than pond - let alone a revolutionary tidal wave for changing the world as we know it. The more things change....

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

NASA - NASA Funded Study Shows Desert Dust Cuts Colorado River Flow

NASA - NASA Funded Study Shows Desert Dust Cuts Colorado River Flow:

This is an interesting read regarding two things:
1. Water - we really do need to pay attention to how we get it now and in the future out here in the West.
2. The law of unintended consequences and the need to keep your ears peeled for them....

Sure There's Water, But Is It Safe To Drink?

Sure There's Water, But Is It Safe To Drink?:

Monday, August 23, 2010

Does It Work?

Many conversations I have with clients and friends will include a variation of the following question:
“Your ads, emails and marketing look nice enough, but do they work?”
If you trust these psychologists at Yale, it seems they do . . .
Read More

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is the web really dead? - Boing Boing

Once again Boing Boing offers some smart analysis of other people's analysis -- a-a-ah, critical thinking!

Everyone take note, you're allowed to question what you read!

I also love Wired. I respect their effort to encourage debate and discussion.

I greatly respect BoingBoing for checking the data and re-interpreting it.

In any case, give this / these a peek.

Is the web really dead? - Boing Boing

The Web is Dead. Long Live the Internet - Wired Magazine

Monday, July 26, 2010

Library of Congress Punctures Apple’s Walled Garden » Adotas

This is an interesting wrinkle in app sagas..... In all honesty, I think this may actually help Apple in the long run. Apple can't like it but this opens it all up much wider.

Library of Congress Punctures Apple’s Walled Garden » Adotas

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Why Facebook the Site Will Die » Adotas

Here is a terrific sound argument for how Facebook-type technology is already changing and simply expressing the original intent of the internet.

Why Facebook the Site Will Die » Adotas

Friday, June 11, 2010

Swift Media | Mobile Marketing & Advertising | Web Development

Swift Media | Mobile Marketing & Advertising | Web Development

Mobile may not replace the wheel, but its functionality changes the way we work and play.

We are entering a truly exciting time in the development and maturation of the ‘online world’. The fact is, the online world is expanding beyond the personal computer into mobile. We have moved beyond the point when personal devices were a walking contact list. The most recent iPhone has nearly the same processing power as the G4 I started Swift Media with – for video production. I had 72 GB of space for my media and no one could imagine what I would do with all that space….!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Google: We Stink At SEO

Very telling about how truly difficult it is to stay disciplined about all the little details that make up the big picture. Good on google for fessing up.

Google: We Stink At SEO
Business Insider passes this along with a great rundown.

If you want it from the horses mouth:


Monday, February 22, 2010

MediaPost Publications Jobs Getting The Lash For Flash Comments 02/19/2010

The comments I posted at Mediapost say what I need to say:

"Jobs is starting to show himself as out of touch. The days of the Apple faithful blindly following (Particularly when it comes to Flash) are long gone. The ONLY reason video has finally begun to make it as a medium on the internet is because of Flash Video embed.... Take it from me, I have fought in the video platform wars and I don't want any of it back....Think about it: "Should we use Windows or Quicktime or Realplayer? what's an mpeg? or mov or avi or rlp or, or, or..... YouTube and Hulu live because Apple jumped ship and Adobe jumped on and finally put video in the most prolific playback app - er - 'browser': Flash. Stop the posturing and admit it, Apple lost BIG on this one... Signed, a developer who has dug in those trenches."

MediaPost Publications Jobs Getting The Lash For Flash Comments 02/19/2010

Swift Media | Website Search Ranking & Development

90% of life may be just showing up – but the contents of the other 10%?
That will set us apart.

A web site development project must fulfill a series of objectives; not the least of which is good ranking on search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing.

One consistent question I receive from clients and prospective clients is: How can our website show up on search engines? The first part of the answer is we want to rank well, not just show up. The second part of the answer is with some effort and planning.

read: Swift Media | Website Search Ranking & Development

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ira Glass, storyteller - latimes.com

Ira Glass, storyteller - latimes.com

A short piece about the show - radio and television. If you've never given it a listen (or a watch), take the time.

Go here.

You'll thank me!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How the IPad Will Change the Advertising Business - Small Agency Diary - Advertising Age

How the IPad Will Change the Advertising Business - Small Agency Diary - Advertising Age

What may really make the difference here is the creation of a platform for distribution that appeals to the digerati rather than those who are still married to the paper form.

More Than Half Of Mobile Pageviews Are To Social Networking Sites

More Than Half Of Mobile Pageviews Are To Social Networking Sites

..but you already knew that didn't you?!?

Business Insider shared this based on startup, Groundtruth research. As has been stated constantly, there really is a great chance for the right businesses to take advantage of our addiction to quick updates.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

YouTube - Charlie Brooker - How To Report The News

A brilliant piece exposing just how _ cookie cutter _ news reporting _ can be....

YouTube - Charlie Brooker - How To Report The News

Small Agency Diary - Advertising Age

I agree with the overall mindset of this post. As a 'micro' agency we've lived with this mindset for 10 years.

The simple truth is whether project or retainer based, all of our businesses must be built like a wall: one brick at a time.

Shifting Your Advertising Agency to a Project World - Small Agency Diary - Advertising Age

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Apple's rumored tablet may write next chapter in publishing - latimes.com

Distribution continues to be the problem for publishing. "Publishing" inherently stands for physical paper and distribution chains. The problem for the publishing industry is to convince the public that the information has value rather than the product. In fact, it may be a business model shift from product to service.

Apple's rumored tablet may write next chapter in publishing - latimes.com: "

Apple's rumored tablet may write next chapter in publishing
The tech giant hasn't announced that it will offer such a device, but the anticipation that it will do so this week has already caused a stir in the newspaper, book and magazine world."

Friday, January 22, 2010

For photographers and graphic artists, not a pretty picture out there - latimes.com

Phew. or Ouch? Either way DIY can hurt....

For photographers and graphic artists, not a pretty picture out there - latimes.com:

For photographers and graphic artists, not a pretty picture out there

Many fear that the technology providing entree to an unimaginable trove of art, images and information is also obliterating the boundaries that once allowed the creative class to make a living.
By James Rainey

January 22, 2010"

What Social Followers Want - eMarketer

Marketing Sherpa finds there's more to the pie than just deals. People want some engagement with your brand.

What Social Followers Want - eMarketer:
"What Social Followers Want
JANUARY 22, 2010

Deals aren’t the only thing

Brand marketers want consumers to follow them to build buzz and engagement, but social media users often desire something in return. What they’ve come to expect is a good deal, but many consumers—including the most active users of social sites—are also interested in deeper engagement."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Take the First Step - Swift Media | Website Re-Design & Development

Swift Media | Website Re-Design & Development (Read This):

"Article 013: Web Design & Development

'A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.'

Considering a web site redesign project can seem a daunting task for most businesses."

Which One Will It Be? - Swift Media | Email Marketing

Swift Media | Email Marketing (Read This):

"Article 012: Which one will it be?

Email is a fast, inexpensive, and effective way to target and address your prospects, customers, and clients, especially when compared to other traditional marketing channels.

93% of U.S. Internet users consider email to be their top online activity, according to Jupiter Research."

We Choose to go to the Moon - Swift Media | Email Marketing | Web Development

Swift Media | Email Marketing | Web Developmen (Read This):

"Article 011: Marketing & Advertising

In recognition of the 40 year anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on the moon, I will focus on the need to set challenges for your business and yourself.

“We choose to go to the moon in this decade… not because it is easy but because it is hard.”
-John F. Kennedy, Rice University, Sept. 12, 1962"

Are you doing it?

Swift Media | Email Marketing | Web Development (Read This):

Article 010: Marketing & Advertising

'More than 48% of U.S. adults believe that a lack of advertising by a retail store, bank or auto dealership during a recession indicates the business must be struggling."

Marketing - The Key to Success

Swift Media | Email Marketing | Web Development (Read This):

Article 009: Marketing

Ideas are what set businesses apart; ideas and hard work. Taking an idea and carrying it to fruition is what makes your business a success."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Swift Media | Web Development (Read this article):

As I sit here today and listen to the steady treble of a jackhammer outside our offices, I can't help but think that I'm glad I don't do that for a living. Running a jackhammer is hard work and I respect everyone who does it. As if I needed more motivation, digging ditches and tearing out cement patios and chimneys in 110 degree weather 'encouraged' me to stay in school one summer. It also reminds me of the adage, 'Work smarter not harder.'"